Videos and printable materials are available here for you to learn and share about TBCH. Our Resources Library below has current and back issues of @TBCH quarterly magazine, and other helpful media related to Residential and Foster Care.
"Bob and Mr C"
"Bella and her Besties"
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Academics and Pandemics
This is a scary time to be parenting—literally, a time like no other. I have been in touch with a couple of the adoptive families I’ve worked with who now find themselves in the unimaginable position of raising large families and working from home while being cut off their support systems. Several families with four-plus…

Helping Kids Through the “New Normal” of a COVID-19 World
Helping Kids Through the “New Normal” of a COVID-19 World By Laurie Gardner You may have been reading a lot on social media about how to talk to your kids about the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some things to keep in mind as you parent kids in hard places in this new (and hopefully temporary) normal.…

Staying Connected, Engaged & Relevant
Staying Connected, Engaged and Relevant as a Family By Laurie Gardner It is hard to believe it has been 51 years since Timothy Leary penned the book Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out. Although his book is a psychedelic trip into your own reality it has surprising parallels to today’s culture. It is easy to…

Speak! Good Dog.
This may come as a surprise to you, but my dog talks. Not only does Max talk, but he happens to be quite persuasive. Words, of course, don’t come from his mouth, but my sweet wife gives him voice and he says stuff ALL the time. “Daddeee, will you take me for a wawk?” “Wook…

Everyone Can Do Something
As we look at how the cooperative efforts of the Body of Christ work themselves out through the care of the orphaned and vulnerable, we find the same premise to hold true – we’re not all called to do the same thing, but we’re all certainly capable of doing something. We all have a role…

What Does the Bible Say About Kids Who Need Families?
God’s heart for the hurting, the oppressed, and the marginalized is exemplified in thousands of verses devoted to these groups of people throughout scripture. The following passages represent every instance in the Bible where orphans, the fatherless, or the concept of adoption is specifically mentioned.

“No Matter What” Love
Dogs are the best. We leave Dogs for 8-10 hours during the day, return home, dump a scoop of dried horse meat in their bowl and they treat us like we are the best living creature to ever exist on the planet Earth. It’s really great to have someone believe this about you. Dogs personify…
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