Every child deserves to feel safe
The children at TBCH are more often coming into our care from increasingly traumatic circumstances, and many of them have experienced abuse. Studies indicate that as many as 39% of abused children are revictimized, and a home designed to provide the safety of individual bedrooms and bathrooms is a simple and practical way to minimize that risk. Our goal is to provide the safest and healthiest environment we can as a firm foundation on which these children can flourish.
And we need your help.
With your support, the Firm Foundations Project will replace our aging facilities with brand new campus homes, including a private bedroom and bathroom for each child.

To God be the glory—great things He has done!
In direct answer to our prayers and through the kindness and generosity of our friend and supporter Bill Yeaman, TBCH has received a $3,000,000 gift from the Sumpter Yeaman Charitable Foundation. The funds will be used for our Firm Foundations Project, providing new campus homes for our Residential Care program. This is the largest single monetary donation ever received in the 133-year history of TBCH!
Our hope is that Mr. Yeaman’s incredible act of support will inspire others to join us in welcoming children in hard places who need safe homes now and for decades to come. Thank you to Mr. Yeaman and the Sumpter Yeaman Charitable Foundation, and praise the Lord!

The Firm Foundations Project, and the plan for our Brentwood campus, have received a big boost, thanks to a Tennessee family who decided to bless the kids at TBCH.
Henry and Janet Ramser (pictured here with their grandkids) live in Clarksville, and inherited a piece of family property in Georgia when Henry’s brother Richard passed away. To honor the memory of his brother, the Ramser family deeded the land to TBCH. Proceeds from the sale of the land have allowed TBCH to expand the first phase of construction in Brentwood to include an entire additional home!
Receiving legacy gifts like this is both humbling and inspirational, and TBCH accepts them with deep gratitude. Mr. and Mrs. Ramser turned their excitement for our Firm Foundations Project into support, and that blessing will ultimately help us provide new, safe homes for the kids in our care.

Of all abused children are revictimized
3 in 4
children in our care report past abuse
of children in our care are safer with private bedrooms and bathrooms!

“I tell anyone who asks that the Children’s Homes saved my life...
They provided shelter at a time when shelter and care were thin on the ground in my life. It was the first time that I recall getting three meals a day, every day. I was a malnourished 8-year-old abuse victim. You don’t forget the people who saved your life.”
- Former TBCH Resident

About Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes
Christ-centered homes for children in hard places
Children matter. Since 1891, TBCH has welcomed children in hard places with the love of Christ. Today we serve children in homes on our three residential campuses, and support foster homes in more than 50 communities across Tennessee. We do not receive any government funding, we operate debt-free, and we are donor-supported.
The Firm Foundations Project is developed by The Riverstone Group

Contact TBCH to get connected, stay updated, or become a champion for the kids!