Tennessee Baptist Children’s Homes has been providing Christ-centered, nurturing homes for children in hard places since 1891. Mrs. Georgia Eastman, who felt led by the Lord to provide a Christian home for orphaned children, organized a committee of faithful ladies to pursue the work. In just six months, the home (the former Hotel Delaware in West Nashville) was furnished and rented for $50 per month, and the ministry accepted the first children into care.

In 1911, the board of managers purchased its new site on Franklin Road in what would become Brentwood, TN. Soon there were dormitories, a hospital, a working dairy farm and a school on the campus. Through the years, TBCH has added other campuses and other ministries. Currently there are three residential campuses that provide on-campus homes for children not in state custody. Those campuses are located in Brentwood, Millington and Chattanooga.
In 2013, TBCH partnered with Tennessee’s Department of Children’s Services (DCS) to provide certified foster families across the state for children who come into state custody. In 2014, TBCH renamed its foster care program to The George Shinn Foster Care Program.
Though the buildings, children and staff are different, we believe the same Lord who called Mrs. Georgia Eastman is still leading us to care for children and families and is faithful to provide through His people.